Governing Board For TUSD


Vote Esteban Flores For TUSD

Called To Serve, "To promote and secure the blessings of liberty for you and your posterity." You can make A Change In Thousands Of Tucson Children's Lives today. Volunteer or Support the cause now!

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Esteban Flores For TUSD


This isnt just about TUSD This is about Families. 


If you are tired of the way your tax dollars are being spent, and are fed up and would like a better change. Respecting Parental Authority, protection of children from sexual ideiology, and better academics in our city would you consider supporting the cause?

Title 15 Law

It's time to restore trust and integrity in our school systems regarding parental authority and involvement. It's time our Arizona Constitution be honored.


If you would like to help Take TUSD Back and get me on the School Board Click the link below, and thank you for your support our future generation is worth it.