Governing Board For TUSD


Vote Esteban Flores For TUSD

Parental Authority

It is time to restore respect for Parental Authority in the TUSD School system. As a parent, I will always protect and defend your parental authority and liberty for your children.

It's time to put the parents back in charge, and make their voices heard. 

Stop The Sexualization Of Our Children

It's time "We The People" of Tucson put a stop to the sexual perversion going on around the Country and in our city. Whether it be in the  curriculum, books, sterilization, and mutilation of minors, drag queen story time, or drag shows, especially without parental awareness or consent. I recently was told by a grandmother whose grandson was transitioned without her knowledge and without her consent. This can not be allowed to happen in a free state. Teaching about gender ideology is not a place for schools, especially without parental approval. There should be no secrets or hidden indoctrination agendas.


I promise to promote the transparency of online curriculum and hardcopy textbooks. Along with the total transparency of all the teachers and staff with precisely what they are teaching our students. Anything a parent does not consent to or does not want taught to their children's regarding learning material should be respected and submitted to promptly.  

Academic Achievment And A Return To American Civics

I will push for a return to teaching American civics. Beginning with our  Arizona State Constitution Preamble. "We the people of the State of Arizona, are grateful to Almighty God for our liberties, and we ordain this constitution." The Students and their families must know what we are taking an oath of office to so they can hold us accountable.

TUSD is ranked second to last in academic excellence. But where is all the (800 million budgeted) money going to? I will encourage greater transparency and parental involvement. I will push for measures to make TUSD more attractive to great teachers in our city so that the best teaching skills can be implemented therefore accelerating academic achievement.

Together Let's Fight For OUR Kids Future!